
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Levitation attempt

Practiced two of owltwelve's energy cultivation exercises last night. First I gathered psi below my feet to balance the body. Then practiced moving psi through my hands, which I hadn't done for a while again.

Practiced some pranayama exercises on top of that. The effect of pranayama seemed a lot more noticeable after some energy manipulation exercises. My body was filled with psi and it made me sweat a lot.

I noticed that when I looked at the shelf that was in front of me, it looked like it was starting to lift slowly, snapping on the way. This sparked an idea .. to attempt levitation by looking at my feet and focusing on the same feeling. So far I have avoided looking down, thinking that it could fire some doubty reflexes or something.

Looked at my crossed legs and started to feel them becoming lighter. The floor snapped below me. A lot of snapping was going on around me. Suddenly a bright red dot appeared to my right and slowly faded out when I looked at it. This brought me out of focus.

Attempted the same for a few more times, in lotus pose, while standing in front of the mirror. Stuff snapped, I felt myself become lighter, but no big and well-visible effect yet.

In the morning, there were rims with the shapes of my feet in the carpet.

Ate before gym .. a big mistake. Got exhausted real quick. I was sitting there, wondering why it was so quiet. When I realized it was music that was missing, I thought "Where's music?" ♩  ♪ ♫ - someone turned the radio on.

Neat, we're getting free newspapers =). There was a week of free newspapers as an ad. Its trial ended and there was a week without newspapers. Today there was another newspaper in our mailbox.

Dad had a precognitive dream and described what our home would look like. I really liked it.


  1. You're levitation attempt is quite inspiring. I have notice recently that if I take the time to go into a trance which deep enough for an even clairvoyant pocket reality to build. I can practice my constructs in that space. It can sort of evolve from a clairvoyant viewing, into an OBE. Anyway, it's good to make & practice your constructs in such a reality, because the construct manifests viscerally & without doubts. You can then bring the memory of the construct back with you to this reality. This method of construct making, is really making PK & other psi skills much more clear, reliable, & straight forward.

    If you sit for a while just moving the energy through your chakras. You eventually get into a trance where, hyper vivid images of scenes flash in your mind. If you keep going they stabilize enough that they are not flashes, but windows of places in this world or other realities. You can then either zoom in & view these seen remotely, or you can phase in(stepping into the looking glass, feels like waling through water for me), or you could teleport in by imagining that you are rapidly touching & sensing everything in that environment(requires a deeper trance than phasing in does). Then you have an OBE, into a shared or pocket reality, where you could either explore, or as I like to do practice PK & telepathy.

    This has really really helped tie a lot of my psi skills together. Another thing that I've notice is that I can do a sort of line of sight looking glass zoom or phase. So, if there is a scene or person before my physical eyes. I can sort of press my thoughts or PK through to cause an effect. In a way, I guess this is a major evolution of what I called Atmospheric Density. I'm hoping that I can eventually use this to develop conscious physical teleportation as well.

    Got a little carried away writing this, but I think that mastering levitation may be easier in an alternate reality, so you can bring back the skill to this one. You know how, you can awaken from a flying dream, knowing you should be able to do it here, but you just can remember everything clearly enough? I think going into other realities with an awake mind creates a way:)


  2. Thanks.
    Although I've been experiencing a loss of awareness over my body, I find it somewhat difficult to have a full OBE.
