For some reason, I kept messing up words, forgetting expressions and names. It didn't feel good at all .. I was pretty embarrassed and not very content with myself this way. Sought for some bad explanations on why this is happening. This undermined the self-confidence in succeeding that I had built with the last few days. Strangely my wording didn't seem to bother anyone else.
While walking back home, there was something sliding on the road. A few cars passed by and it seemed to have been sliding in the drafts. I got curious and practiced some pk on it when it was just about to slow down and stop. The traffic lights were red and no cars were driving near it; also, wind didn't seem to be strong enough to slide something like that. Anyway, I slid it forward with the same speed, next to an edge of the road. I wanted to save it from being run over by cars. Uh oh, the traffic lights went green. I sharply changed its direction towards the edge and sped it up. It slid against the edge, but couldn't get up. I tried to lift it off enough so that wind would help me push it up the edge, but I didn't quite make it. I had already walked past it.
I was not bold enough to tape anything. Why would I carry a camera with me if I'm afraid to use it in public? =S..
Hm, sister wrote a few offensive e-mails as a response to a mail I had meant to be inspiring. In fact, I felt good on how that mail came out .. I even learned something new from my answers to her.
It was interesting to observe how my heart started beating fast when I read her mails. I calmed it down and cleared my mind by focusing on the feeling of my surroundings. When I looked back at the mails, my heart started pounding again. Overcame it a few minutes later, but muscles all over my body started twitching. I think I was being vamped. Maybe that's why I was having trouble in the morning.
I realized this and felt a spider web around me that was pushing my psi channels shut. Then I broke free and suddenly the muscle twitching was gone. Some minor muscles still twitch a little.
I feel my biofield building itself up again. It feels like cold rushes moving around and the aura straightening its hair again, becoming softer.
Perhaps she'll use my psi wisely. Hopefully.
Sorry to everyone I may have accidentally vamped .. triple bow.
That's cool sliding man:)