
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Breathing mask construct

There's still a lot of tiny dust particles flying around.

When I took a nap yesterday evening, a furry construct (a thick and furry tail?) appeared in my breathing channels to protect the lungs against the dust. I suspect it wasn't me, who created it.

There was something amazing in one of the dreams. Can't remember it though. In one of the dreams, I was playing infiltration of a base or something, by flying through the buildings.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Self-suggestion and thought experiments

Sleeptimes have been rather short for almost a week. They replaced the windows today morning. We were moving furniture around at night. I left covering stuff in my room for the morning, since I was really tired.

Boosted the rational mind and focused on having a clear mind and getting stuff covered before going to "work". I was amazed at the ideas as well as empathy towards everything in the room.

Performed a thought experiment. I don't drink nor smoke and never have in this life. Why? I dislike the feeling of not being in control. So, I must be afraid of not having control? Keeping away from smoking and drinking is good for health. So, instead of fear, it should rather base on love and care towards the body.

Used the aid of some self-suggestion on approaching everything without prejudice (the typical "I suck at this" or "no, I'll do that later", etc.) and learning everything fast.

Something seems different. I feel more love towards everything around me.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer school

Came back from another summer school. A lot of work, but close to no pk practice.

There was some geisting .. lights flickering, laptop doing stuff on its own. Laptop battery being full when I need it and suddenly dropping empty after that.

Some mild weather manipulation as well. And a lot of 11:11 phenomena and materialization of expectations.

Edit: Just watched episode 12 of Avatar: The Legend of Korra and burst out crying. The most emotional piece of art I've seen. The ending was so awesome. It was incredible, how detachment and meditation helped Korra.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dream with pk on the wind

As a follow-up from yesterday's meditation on the trees and the wind, in the dreams I happened to practice pk on a plastic bag that was flying around with the wind. At first I played with it at a distance, which became a bit boring after a while. Leaped at it and flew around.

Have been watching a lot of Avatar today.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Urge for something great

For the last few days, I've been feeling the urge to do something great. The problem is that I don't know what it is that I want to do.

Mom came home from Spain. Sister wanted me to join them for St. John's Eve celebration .. usually involves grilling sausages and socializing. Mom wanted me to join them for the celebration at a different place. Turned them both down .. being alone appeals to me more.

Meditating and pk practice seems to be pretty close to that great, for which I've developed a craving again. Though, I suspect I've gotten a headache from these practices (have been directing more psi towards the crown again).

Watched some Avatar: The legend of Korra, which psyched me up. Tried some can rolling .. it wobbled, but no rolling from a standstill yet.

Meditated on the weather outside, practiced some Trataka on a Ganesha statue. Made a couple of attempts at OBE too, but kept losing consciousness. Once managed to stay awake for long enough to hear the sound of being ejected.

Accidentally leaned halfway out of body when I went to the kitchen later.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sorry mates

Today I feel sorry for everyone who has had to meet me. A lot of thanks to everyone who has helped me.

After all you've done for me, I've still come to have way too much ego and too little of intelligence and wisdom.

I don't want to be such a barbarian. I want to change again. I .. too much I ..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Speed cloud-bursting

Haha, wtf.

Took the feed of camera snapshots from the construction of the new physics building .. here. The picture is updated every 10 seconds.

Targeted a nice round cloud for bursting practice. On the next frame, the cloud had become a bit more fluffy. On the third frame, the cloud was no more. There were even no remnants anywhere. Just .. disappeared. The clouds that were around it, were still intact.

Awesome, haven't experienced cloud bursting this fast for years.

Edit: Tomorrow's a small test at driving school. While in bathroom, I asked myself if I was nervous. ::Click:: a short power outage. Am I? ::Click::Click:: 2 short power outages. It's rather windy outside.


Somehow I've started to remember my dreams again. It's as if the transition from dream-state to awake-state had become smoother. Or maybe it's the alarm so early in the morning that cuts the dreams.

In the dreams, it seems that I know that I have to get back. Usually before the alarm rings, I make preparations for popping away.

Observed the aura or psi-field around my hands again last night. Interesting, how the "magnetic" feeling between hands and/or fingers becomes a lot stronger when you actually see the field interacting to your visualizations. It looks as if according to the psi field density, air refractive index were different (similar to that in hot air). The visuals of the field remind me of plasma ball arcs. In the spot where the arc reaches the other hand, the "magnetic" feeling is stronger than in areas around it. Noticed that near the skin, there were tiny bright spots appearing and disappearing as well.

When I closed my eyes later, I saw colors, which I think may have related to colors of the aura. Still can't see these colors with my eyes open though.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Few days ago, when I "slept in mosquitoes", I had been trying to meditate without  letting mosquito bites disturb me. Well, that didn't work. The pain spread all over the body and it reacted to this.

This was followed by the phenomena of the astral body being penetrated by all sorts of needles at seemingly random places. Some of these needles were pretty thick and long and caused strong sharp pain (a lot worse than that of a physical mosquito bite). The biggest and longest needle was stuffed into the heel .. sharp pain, but then, a lot of periodic pleasurable feeling spreading upwards from the foot. The feeling was unbearably pleasurable, causing the foot to spasm.

Rather queer, imo.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Inspiring career stories

Really interesting sequence of events. Two events clashed on one day. Some days ago I self-suggested that today would be important in means of spiritual development.

A couple of days ago I somehow learned to solve one of these events, which then turned into an O (the problem ceased to exist .. it had only been a problem for me).

I was tired and felt all clumsy today (slept in a bed of mosquitoes last night). Still, the other event turned out rather interesting. It's not the first time that Henri from the satellite team has described his career, experiences and what all he has done. These stories are like fairy tales, only 100 times more fancy and they're real. He's a master of almost all the arts that I've dreamt of since being born (with the exception of pk and spirituality). I would call him a guru, as he's a master when it comes to inspiring others.

Almost every time I hear him talk, I feel jealous for not being as great. Applied the thought pattern to think through what I have learned from an experience. Realized that there were no reasons for me to assume I wasn't capable of experiencing a life as colorful. No, I'll use the inspiration to experience becoming a master in all the arts I've dreamt of, including pk and spirituality. Thanks for the motivation and a goal for life!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Christian concert

Realized that since the great boost in psi density, I've been having a hard time controlling my emotions and thoughts again.

Sister invited me and dad to a Christian concert. It was powerful and there was a lot of propaganda (some of which seemed a bit lopsided though). Anyway, went along with the energy and used it to heal myself and others. Also formed constructs that would make the world a more peaceful place to live in. A great place for that, really .. since everybody already expected miracles.

Usually, when I've exploded of psi, electronics have gone mad (amplifiers generating, lights pulsing and what not). Even though they had a lot of hi-tech there, none of it was affected.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fix stuff with pk

Had the urge to do something mystical yesterday.

The cable of my headphones had become broken. Tried to fix it with pk yesterday. Didn't see the effect yesterday.

However, today morning, the cable has been working pretty well so far. Interesting, how for me, pk seems to work best when the body is asleep.

Would be pretty awesome to get it all working through body as well.

Friday, June 8, 2012


An old friend visited yesterday evening. Went to bed late and didn't fall asleep right away.

It seems to be really important to relax all the organs and muscles before falling asleep. Sleeping is a lot more efficient this way.

After relaxing, I focused on my hands. In a few seconds, hands felt a bit too packed with psi. The density of the surrounding field increased remarkably. Took other body parts and did the same.

Focused on the emptiness, which felt different this time. Field density around the body increased a lot. The standing wave from the root to the crown chakra felt incredibly dense and solid. Somehow also managed to hold focus on it for longer than previously.

Today, when I've moved my consciousness back to body, there has been a strong jolt (the difference in field density is remarkable).

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Every thought ripples the field. Ripples in the field are detected by other people, usually subconsciously. When you think something about someone, they receive the info and act accordingly, often without noticing it themselves.

When there is a thought that is not neutralized by any contrary thoughts, it materializes. Thought is a powerful tool for changing the world.

Without practice, our minds are full of thoughts and thoughts against other thoughts. Creating a thought consumes a lot of energy .. the more we think, the more tired we get. Also, tired minds tend to generate a lot of thoughts on their own, using all the little resources they have left.

Most of the thoughts are born from the rational mind, a construct formed by the society. Rational mind provides the thinking patterns that were installed at kindergartens and schools. This helps us survive in a society that likes order and dislikes anything that deviates too far from the norm.

Some thoughts pop up from the ripples in the field. These are thoughts from other beings, entities or from our subconscious minds. Sometimes it's easy to determine the source, sometimes it's not.

Below thoughts, there are feelings. These feelings describe the surroundings, the situations taking place there and everything that is somehow related. Everything we feel, leaves a trail here and changes the surroundings, causing new situations and events. This field of feelings can be seen as a tree of intersecting bubbles where complex feelings consist of many other feelings. One can focus on a subset of the surroundings and find the feelings to be very different and quite independent from the feeling of the whole. In the space of feelings, size and distance lose their meaning, allowing for something the size of a city exist within a grain of sand.

Below other feelings, there is emptiness with subtle flavors. In this emptiness or silence, light of life can be felt within everything, as it permeates it all.

Some thoughts on thoughts, based on pk and meditation observations so far. This is not to be considered as "the truth" .. it's just my ideas on how stuff might be working. Feel free to comment though =).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bustrip practices

Remembered that I was having a lot of fun with pk on puddles some days ago. Made ripples from various directions, had them crash in the middle of the puddle or applied stasis so that the puddle surface would be clear.

Figured I would like to develop a stronger connection with the earth element as well. Directed my consciousness to the ground, trees and bushes while on a bus. Tried to feel what's 10-20m under the road.

Love bus trips for self-inquiry. Service made my mind childish .. more whining and less solutions. Realized that what I used to call detachment is basically cutting all connections of empathy and telepathy. Did this out of self-pity of sorts. I can be more detached by simply focusing on something else, but cutting the connections is not too good. My ego and other people don't like this at all. Almost did this again, but then I realized it's my ego attacking itself.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Visitors from US

A couple from California visited grandparents and they asked me to translate. Well, it was fun, though, my vocabulary failed occasionally. Asking the terms from subconscious didn't always succeed.

They arrived with a broken ferry (+2h waiting that cheered me up). The next day, they still hadn't fixed it and their departure was cancelled. So, they decided to change their tickets. The new ship would depart from another port. We were in a hurry, so we went on foot =). The queues were too long at first. Targeted a closed check-in counter and started visualizing it becoming open. Looked away for a second .. voila, they opened it. One of the most practical applications of manifestation yet.


On my way home on Friday, subconscious suggested me to visit a bank office. During the military service, I had yet again managed to forget my password. But every day I had managed to come home late. Well, this time was no different .. thought it was closed already, because it was past 6 PM (thought they were open till 4 PM). Asked it multiple times over from the subconscious and just stepped into the office. On first glance it looked as if it were closed, but I got my password reset. Thanks!

On Saturday, there was a reserve party among service friends. Subconscious directed me to the right building and pointed me at the right door (there were multiple, but one was meant for entry). Thanks again!

Had been building an expectation that the party would be awesome (usually I don't like parties, as it's boring to watch other people get drunk). Well, this party was awesome .. there was an electric drum set, electrical guitar, PS3, table football and enjoyed some barbecue. And the house was nice .. a few Buddha, Višnu and Krišna statues and paintings. Also, there were strange areas in the building that seemed to generate incense on its own. One of the lamps were flickering on goals as we were playing table football.

Every place that I've expected to be fun, has had a set of drums, because I really enjoy playing drums.

Friday, June 1, 2012

True home

It's so different here in the hometown. For the first few days, I was really over-energized due to / thanks to all the constructs in my room. Somehow I my sleeptime requirements have decreased 2 fold also.

It's a lot easier and more convenient to meditate, relax or practice OBEs here. Haven't had a hi-def experience yet, but there have been a few smaller ones.

Had the longest breath cessation during a spontaneous meditation yesterday (didn't have any reference for time though). Mind would become still on its own and consciousness would focus emptiness. Started to feel familiar pressure on Sahasrara, which seemed quite open. Breathing moved from physical to astral.

Finally it's possible to refrain from eating meat too often as well. On the other hand, there's usually not much to eat here anyway. I've heard that father does eat once per day, or at least he did today. Haven't seen sister eat anything though. Trying to keep from using my reserved money for food. Would be nice to be able to feed on the flow of psi only.