
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, March 28, 2016

Uncommon details

Nothing paranatural. Just uncommon or odd.
 On Saturday I visited grandparents for Easter. A neighbour of theirs commented on me having become a lot more skinny. On the way back, there was a smokard. The driver stopped the bus and gave him a warning. People were like: "What a freak. I hope someone beats him." The next time he stopped the bus and had police take the man away. Without judging or looking around, I focused on watching the "Theory of Everything" .. which was about Time (a bit related to the previous post). In fact, I hadn't even noticed the smell of smoke.

A very warm day yester-day. The cat behaved strange. It fought with the air, then stared at a single spot for a minute. Whined a lot, then hopped up to the shelf but instead of eating plants, the cat simply laid down for rest (odd). Moreover, the cat clearly looked at the top of my head several times.

There have been some indicators of the crown opening a little bit. Also, that wobbling of space-time is there again.

Skinny? Did 30 push-ups.
Hmm .. used to do 70 in a single go without problems.
A minute later I felt the urge to do some more push-ups. Did 45.

Attempted levitation practice last night. Didn't get very far. In the dreams, I climbed up spiral stairs in an unknown building, with a heavy backpack. The backpack wore out my back but I made it to the top. Then in another dream I also realized I have my heavy backpack leaning against me. Well, an obvious reaction to a heavy backpack - started doing pushups with it.

Today morning I took a bus to work. A pretty day .. and a hiker sleeping at the bus stop. Pondered about it a while, then went back to ask if he wanted to go somewhere warm. A mumble, indicating drunk status. Me: "well, whatever." His equipment looked rather expensive and well taken care of. Those rich bums these days .. or maybe an immigrant? Why was a national flag sticking out of his pillow .. err .. backpack?

I usually imagine myself hiking in rugs, pretty much.

I've been exploring the correlation of relaxation, attitude and emotions vs. tension in the abdomen. Well, it is a function of all of them. One of the main causes for this blob of thick discomfort in the stomach / abdomen is depression. Already visualizing a bright light spanning the room helps it disintegrate. Strange that regular detachment doesn't help. Also, each time it breaks down into smaller blobs, heat is released into the central channel. I think it's blocking the entry point to the central channel, which is why I had so much trouble with celibacy. The way to go is to release the energy that has already accumulated, instead of trying to fit more in there.

1 comment:

  1. Also remembered that there was a candle lit at work today. An employee had passed away. He had very good humor. He also had pneumonia, I think.

    If nothing else, this makes me more determined.
