
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Will do this

Although there is no time, I feel like posting at least a summary of events.
I'm more-or-less left alone on the project, so need to do the full-time job of at least 3 people. Regardless of the fact that the crunchtime marathon has gone on for months already.

The way to cope with this is: f*cuk it, I will do this. As deep absorptive focus as possible, on the task at hand. Then at night or during breaks, relax the mind and every muscle of the body. It's also important to have the state of mind that "This is the current status of things. I have the chance to make things even better." In other words, there are no bad situations, there are only situations that can be improved.

For one, this has gotten OBEs and lucid dreams going. Also, it has become easier to maintain celibacy.

Learning the elements

One night I decided that I would fly about till the morning, so perhaps some of it would stick when I woke up. Flew a lot, but a moment later I was interrupted. I was shown to some exercise grounds. I understood that in addition to just flying around, I would need to learn different elements. The environment was unearthly - unrecognizable flowers, unrecognizable animals. There were some kind of circular plates in the ground, each with a picture on it. I guess I passed the first one (or first two) so quickly I didn't even notice what they were. There I was, with the symbol of the previous plate in my right hand, standing in front of another plate. The plate had the shape of a mountain and some arcs symbolizing water. I put the symbol from my right hand on top, and started finger-painting it out so that the original image would be restored. It was like finger-painting in mud with different colours. Finished, I walked past a puddle, went uphill and noticed a more reddish zone to my right. In these exercise grounds, one could not just move from one zone to another. One had to enter through a chain of portals that might lead to the next zone if allowed to. While walking along the fence of the zone to my right, I heard something walking behind me. Turned around and saw two animals that looked somewhat similar to ostriches. Grabbed a camera and took a photo. The animals perceived this as a sign of danger, but oddly enough started running towards me (with anger) not away from me. I put the camera away and they stopped immediately. They realized that I was not a threat. Enjoyed the glimpse of a pretty sunset for a moment, and left for the portal that might take me to the next zone. It did not. The dream became incoherent.

Has anyone here played From Dust? It's an awesome game that probably influenced my dream.

Skewed portals

Mom visited us (all the way from Spain, yay). Spent a night trying to explain portal dynamics to mom and sister. While I had managed to use the same portals to go to the same place several times over, none of it worked right when I got others into the dream. The portals became very unstable and started pointing to other places.

Levitation with gravity assist

Many more flying dreams. Though, one of them stood out. Me and an ex-friend walking the corridors of a large building of some kind. I tried using walls and corners for gravity assist. Ended up going faster and faster, afraid of splashing against the next wall. Pretty fun, though the speed got a bit frightening in the end. He was not that amused about it.


Another night that I intended to redirect my nervousness, worries and anger into learning something new .. wanted to figure out how space-time works so that I could work more efficiently. Perhaps a time-warp bubble around me, so that I could stretch the working hours from 13 hours to several days.

Nothing happened.

Yesterday an old acquaintance suddenly messaged me with a physics / math problem about maintaining stable wormholes. This, in addition to her personal realizations about the fabric of space-time, similar symbolism from old texts and a lot of other stuff.
~"Nah I don't have the time for this."
~"Shut up and absorb the info."
Well, alright.


On Sunday evening, the cat encountered another cat and went nuts. "Dragged" the cat home. Next evening I found my soldering station cable chewed broken. Locked the cat out of my room. Cat escaped through the balcony (a refreshing fall of 3 storeys). Welp, cat's own choice. Choices have consequences. Thunder and heavy rain for a great many hours.

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