
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Beauty needs sacrifice

Pff, no way I'm wearing a suit, those classical outfits are so uncomfortable, expensive and pointless .. hmm, maybe perfect for demonstratively cleaning a cow stall? <-- me, typically

Grandparents had a wedding anniversary on Sunday. So, on Friday I opened the closet and realized that all the suits and vests are too old, too small, the shirts wrinkled and stuff. Shrugged and packed two shirts. At least the pants look polite enough, and the shoes are smart casual.

Nice, an actual winter with snow, though a bit late, no? Anyway, a spaceous hall with large metal-framed glass windows, thin brick walls that let cold drafts through. There was an awesome view to the sea, too. And it just so happened that it was a stormy day. My seat had been reserved at the window.

I'm not a dancer, nor was there anyone I would've been overly excited to dance with. Mostly elderly people and then other family members. So I just sat there for over 6 hours, grasping for straws that might help me heat myself with my awsum mind powaz (that conveniently did not seem to exist that day). Focusing on candle flames, all sorts of visualizations of bonfires, sun, nuclear reactors, etc. helped a little but only for a very limited amount of time. Controlled my eating, sugar consumption and water drinking very carefully, in order to optimize it for maximum heat production.

Pretty much everyone else had warm suits, while I "had reserved mine for cleaning a cow stall .. LoL." The last 45 minutes were the most difficult for me, as the body started shaking and I tried to hide it. The event was definitely a very interesting experience. Perhaps also an inspiration for tummo practice. And maybe for buying a suit to become just a bit less of a barbarian.

A bit of shivering in the car and everything was okay. Until I took the bus home. Watched a movie and when it ended, the body cranked up its heat so that it was way too hot in the bus. An hour of sweating in the bus and then got to enjoy a 3.2 km walk home through the cool air again.


Watched Sully while on the way to Tallinn, and Ghost In The Shell on the way back. Both were really inspiring. I think colleagues and/or friends had recommended both of them some time ago.

Trailer for Sully (2016)

Trailer for Ghost In The Shell (2017)

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