For the past few days, I've been thinking of safe ways to introduce arcane technology to the masses.
In dreams, I've been walking through forbidden territory with open gates and no signs. Or at least, I used to think it was forbidden, whereas it no longer seems to be. However, I often get lost in there, or reach a dead-end. The dead-ends always look the same: closed gates, and just behind the gates there's a prison. Today morning I saw some people working at such a prison. The staff were doing the hard work, shoveling pieces of asphalt and tossing it into the building. In the building, prisoners were throwing it into some containers (seemed a bit easier work).
Edit: Perhaps a bit related:
Dream: 2x Earth
Had a more interesting dream as well. Probably sparked by The Solus Project, has a lot of similarities.Mankind had reached the technology for interstellar travel (history?) and two civilian fleets flew to a habitable planet. The planet was about 2x as large as Earth, had a very similar environment, except for the stronger gravity, thicker atmosphere and so on.
There seemed to have been an advanced civilization on the planet, judging by the ruins. Some inhabitants appeared seemingly out of nowhere but failed to surprise the humans. The humans were taken into some buildings underground. Among the humans, there was an old lady with long white hair who was psychic. By the time they got underground, she already knew everything about these beings and their problems. She collected most of the info from some kind of crystal / stone devices on the surface. She was on some kind of a mission related to these beings. Also, another fleet was inbound soon.
The inhabitants that took the humans underground, looked like midgets who walked around with large metal wrenches. Compared to humans, they were very strong physically.
Dream: Game of wizardry
Quite random.A multiplayer game to form teams and explore ancient tombs. Most of the dream was about preparations. People tested out their spells, summoned all sorts of creatures and discussed stuff.
It was sort of customary for the participants of the game to try to frighten other participants with their presence or with their skills. Although it was meant to be a cooperative effort, actually everybody competed against everybody else, trying to collect the most awesome artifacts for themselves.
I observed the tomb from a variety of angles, then popped up in the lobby to tell something important to the participants.
One of the most arrogant guys among the participants looked at me and another dude, and asked: "Is that the firmware you're participating with? You better update it before the game starts." He then looked for something in my memory that would freak me out, and tried to replicate behind my left shoulder. It was a statue of a rather specific pose, which I had supposedly seen somewhere in Italy or something. Although I did feel a bit nervous around these people, it seemed that they respected me enough to hear what I had to say. Also, they were surprised at my composure.
"There is one artifact that is planted and is not supposed to be here, be careful," I said. What I meant was that one of them was like a (computer) virus of sorts. A virtual reality game that was hacked by someone so that it had real consequences or something along those lines.
Edit: The slightly freakish pose is from a levitation clip on youtube. The clip itself is no longer available (at least for me) but I managed to get its thumbnail:
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