
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dream-travelling places

Finished reading this: http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/mars/
Very inspiring description of the Mars civilization.

For the past few nights, I have been travelling places with a guide.

Yester-night in one of the dreams, we walked past a place we had also visited the night before. I recalled how I had hopped on a geyser at the cliff-side, which lifted me almost to the height of the tip of a domed monastery in the city at the distance of I guess a couple of kilometers. It was a great view.

Yesterday night, there was a group of us, who stepped on some sort of a time-travel platform or something. The guide explained the schedule in a very detailed manner, which I more-or-less ignored. We're there .. I walk off and attempt to take photos of the salt castle (looked like salt) that now surrounded us. Took the stairs up to the wall that had small window slits where light shone in. Heard birds chirping outside. Decided to take a photo. Turned around and saw two large medieval-style castle gates. One of the gates was red and the other one .. green I think, or was it blue? Both had some symbols above the gates. Thought I might not have any time left .. looked down and noticed that the platform was no longer there. Walked down .. environment changed (suddenly everything was wooden and bar-like) as I entered the field of the two guys waiting there. They said the rest of the group had gone back early, to catch a plane. I guess I teleported away or something.

Hmm .. strange. Switched the phone at some point. It has been reminding me "Mother-Father" for countless times already. Couldn't delete all the calendar notes, for some reason.

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