
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Before sleep, practiced something new that came to mind. I visualized turning the energy body (or however it should be called) inward so that it warmed and lit the inside of the body and the central column. It wasn't easy to keep it that way, but it seemed to have had a good effect.

Might be related to playing "The Dream Machine", but had a non-standard dream last night. Or maybe it was because the cat looked really lonely yesterday.

In my room just below the ceiling there's a hatch for accessing power cables. Something made a scratching sound in there, and pushed the lid open. I thought it was a rat, and shouted to the cat, hoping he would get a meal. On closer inspection it looked more like a small squirrel, but definitely not a rat. The cat, looking fairly similar to a squirrel himself, made good friends with the squirrel. Later they were playing in the snow (IRL sister hasn't let the cat out).

Another dream, which I had, was more typical. Together with someone, we observed a natural satellite orbiting a planet. Described something about the orbit inclination and eclipse.

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