
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lucid gaming

Tried a driving simulator yesterday. It sucked a lot. But later found that I could remember dreams better.

Stumbled upon this blog post: http://blog.gamerthink.com/2010/03/game-buddha-my-ignitephilly-talk.html.

Last year I met Jayne Gackenbach, a Psychologist, who researches the relationship between video game play and dreams. One of her studies showed that people who play violent first person shooters, are more likely to have violent dreams. Not a big surprise. The cool thing is, those same people exhibit more lucidity in their dreams, greater agency. And they suffer less misfortune because of it. As a gamer and lucid dreamer, this makes intuitive sense to me. Playing a video game is a lot like being in a low-fi lucid dream.
I've also been wondering about the subject of video games for enlightenment. Also, while playing, I've occasionally practised staying lucid. It's just that I haven't thought about it this way before.

Interestingly, his blog seems to have been hacked, so you'll need to disable scripts to be able to actually visit it.

Edit: He fixed it.

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