
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nightly discussion

The weather has become quite cool. Gathered on top of a tower in Elistvere yesterday and discussed zero-point energy, world politics, aliens, psionics. Dad, me, a few friends and some of their friends.

Noticed that I had become a little scared of heights again. Though, within about a minute, it dissipated. Also, it's been quite a while since levitation practice.

Although being in cold environment seems to boost pk, I couldn't feel the constructs of heat there that would sometimes appear around the body.

I guess the throat chakra opened up a bit more there. Speech skill leaped suddenly.

Realized that I haven't experienced snapping for months now. I wonder what happen. =)

Gradually noticing more and more of the sound of the psi channels around the body. Floatiness and occasional leaning out of body seems to be coming back, too.

Edit: Awesome, practiced pranayama for just a few breaths and a lot of psi moved up the spine. Suddenly made me feel dizzy and hungry. Waves of heat moving up, happiness manifesting.

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