
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sharp things

Watched Criss Angel Believe: Lord of Illusion on Wednesday night. While seeing him manifest people's fears, I found myself thinking what I would answer when asked: "Tell me your greatest fear". Nothing came to mind. However, while watching Criss Angel perform the Lord of Illusion trick, I remembered my fear against sharp objects pointing at me or slicing me (swords, knives pointing at me, falling towards me .. stuff alike).

In the show, there were all sorts of problems with the setup .. hanging swords getting stuck. At the end of the show, a sword fell down on its own. He blamed it on his team. Well, to me it looked more like a construct at works. Someone's fears becoming manifested in a way to warn about the dangers so that nobody's lives would be threatened.

Tried to settle the slightly unsettled mind again by trying to levitate (kept it busy visualizing the sensation of being lifted so it wouldn't visualize some falling swords or stuff). This focus exercise had some cool effects. A strong standing wave appeared from the abdomen to the heart chakra. No levitation, though ..

An evening sauna event. Carefully balanced the timing to maximize the amount of energy gained (there's a peak to it .. once over this, one would start to lose energy again). Psi was released from the abdomen region, spread the whole body until all of it was buzzing of pleasure.

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