
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, April 29, 2016

Vivid sleep deprivation

Hectic week. For a few days, I had very vivid lucid dreams with symbols that I didn't recognize. Just for fun, I sometimes acted randomly. For example, after yet another 13 hours of work .. at around 1 AM to a trainee via Skype: "hey, let's go back to the lab and check why the temperature is dropping so slowly". So we browse friends for sleeping bags and drive back to work. There I press the elevator button, wait for it to come down and suddenly leave for the stairs instead.

There were a few moments where I realized there has been some progress. That's because I spontaneously took peoples' sarcastic humor literally. This got them really confused.

Dream A

I look out of the apartment window. It's early morning but the sun is shining on the wrong side of the apartment. Everything is very detailed. I look at the sun and it starts becoming bigger. Soon all the sun spots and protuberances are visible. Expected to see an after-image but didn't.

Dream B

I'm in some strange dream realm. I come back into my room. It's all dark and the floor is covered in something that looks similar to rice grains (white and brown rice). However, the brown rice grains seem alive and are moving around. Bugs? For some unexplained reason I hesitated about stepping into the room.

Dream C

I'm at a pond (or more like a clear puddle). In the puddle there's a blue fish / bluefish. I pick it up and observe it carefully at all angles. There's someone else to my right, who says the fish is dangerous. Does not seem dangerous, at least not to me.

Dream D

I'm in darkness, looking at a screen with a very detailed image of the street somewhere. I can move around and look at different places on the street. I read out street names, building numbers and shop ads loud, amazed that it works so well from within a dream. I turn around and go back. I walk a few blocks until I reach a large building with escalators (the building sort of faded in). I catch up to a man who is walking in front of me. He turns around (looks similar to the curly-haired guy who Hi'd me on the pedestrian bridge). He asks: "Now that you're here, what are you going to do?" Me: "I will fly .. err .. that way," pointing at a totally random direction. Then I take off and fly in that direction really fast, leaving the man puzzled (at least, sort of hoped I would). At first I was surprised that he could see me, then I realized I had missed the transition from behind the screen to forming a body for traversing streets.

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