Enjoyed some heavy derivations again, until I either had to eat or the brain started smoking. Good concentration practice, especially with the cat meowing all around, sometimes poking the pages of the book, sometimes chewing on the book, sometimes chewing my hand, etc.
Reading the book now gets my mind blank and makes me feel quite floaty. <- dude gets high just on reading a physics book. Shit's ridiculous.
Anyway, had a dream where I was in a shack right in the middle of a field, with no walls and barely anything for a roof. Took a short break and stowed my laptop somewhere in the shack. I knew that the shack wouldn't withstand rain, nor would the laptop .. but for some reason I did it anyway. Went into some building where I needed the laptop but it had started raining.
Realized that laptop or any kind of computer = calculator (rational mind). With all these days full of joy from derivatives, integrals and math tricks, the dream symbology can't be more obvious. It indicated that I needed to take more care of bodily needs while at it. Bought some fruits and different peanuts. Probably had a lack of minerals.
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