
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Loads of work

More work and less free time with the deadlines approaching.

Another long day and continued till midnight at home. Left the laptop building stuff.

This had me bounce a lot between the wake and deep sleep states.

At one point, there was something interesting going on with the 3rd eye. When I breathed in, it felt as if I was breathing through the 3rd eye, not through the nose or mouth. When I breathed out, it went through the nose. I guess at first the 3rd eye closed when I breathed out and opened again when I breathed in. Changed it to keep it open constantly. Seemed to have worked.

Often found myself staring at the room with my eyes closed. No colors, but it was dark anyway.
All sorts of work-related dreams. Most of them were nightly meetings with other fellow workaholic colleagues. Found it interesting that we were discussing stuff in a dark room and we were aware of it still being the night.

Then, discussions in some foreign room in a foreign country, I guess. Saw 2 people landing with wingsuits outside. They had superman logos on their suits. Pretty stylish, I thought and showed it to one of the colleagues.
During the night, got the feeling that it had finished building. Woke up and it was true. Typed install .. facepalm ..  it caused a full rebuild. Got no more 'notices' and woke up while it was still building.

Put on the headphones to listen to music. This stimulated the bindu point at the back of the head and something cool started trickling down to the throat. That  familiar feeling, that familiar taste.

Cupped in at the throat and now it seems to have started emitting heat.

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