
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kicked out :)

Took a nap and focused on the heart chakra, then moved a bit lower. Regular hypnagogic imagery but started seeing smoke rising from the images (as an overlay).

Today I was kicked out of school, with a paper that says I'm extra nerdy. In a year I'll be back for extracting more nerdium. Interesting synchronicity again .. how different events automagically fall together, as if there were a great mastermind with a great plan somewhere.

It became cold today .. 7 *C, windy and raining. I heard there had been a brief snowfall in one of the towns.

Visited a shop for a cake. Not sure if it was geisting or not, but a couple of packages of something fell down from the shelf somewhere. I thought there was somebody there but when I turned around and looked, nobody was there. Thought of walking there and putting the packages back to the shelves. But didn't. Then forgot.

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