Whoa, almost a week of no posts. Nothing really spectacular has happened though.
I think I caught cold one day while coming home from the gym so that my neck and back of the head hurt quite bad for a few days. After a night of no sleep and healing only (visualized washing the back of my head with psi), pain finally started turning into heat.
Then yesterday it happened that a friend of mine would have lost his bicycle near our school building. He called me and asked if I had noticed anything weird when leaving the building. I hadn't seen anything suspicious and I left about 3 min before him. Anyway, almost all the fibers (about 20, he said) of the cable lock had been cut, leaving the last 3 intact. It seemed really weird to him that someone that close to taking the bicycle would have stopped it like that. Luck and good timing, I guess =P.
Yesterday evening I meditated and tried to feel "love" towards myself and objects surrounding me. I noticed how difficult it was to "love" myself, unless I looked at myself from an external viewpoint. At first it seemed like an impossible task (I seemed to have lost the feeling), but then I slowly started to feel warmth glowing out of the left side of my body and entering objects around me. For some reason, the right half of my body didn't come along with it (it stayed cold and didn't glow). I'm not sure if it would have any effect, but I was breathing through my right nostril at the time.
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