
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Was playing Fallout 1 yesterday night and found that my character received considerably less critical hits when I blanked my mind during the combat. Also, the damage that the regular hits did, reduced about 2 folds. I was finally able to beat the Mother Deathclaw thanks to this. When I played Fallout 2 last year, I really enjoyed messing with the random encounters. I would recommend practicing the same with your favourite games.

Went to the gym with Hyena yesterday. My muscles had degraded a lot since the last summer and I grew tired before I even started sweating. For some reason (which I think is related to the gym visit), I couldn't sleep during the night - I just felt too energetic.

Also, my breathing pattern is way off again. I noticed that I was breathing through my left nostril during the night and before waking up, my right nostril opened.

Before starting visiting the gym, I had noticed an increase in the snaps that occurred near me. Already after the first day in gym, my room was suddenly unfamiliarly calm and silent.

My sister talked to me about something she had read from "The flower of life" book, which I consider fluffy and full of unargumented statements. Anyway, the discussion slowly moved from aliens and all the Atlantis stuff to parallel dimensions. I spoke with a christian a couple of weeks ago and he had understood that in each dimension, we have made different choices and thus our lives among the dimensions also differ. I can't say that it can't be so, but being a bit skeptical, I googled for "multidimensional being" and found this: http://www.spiritportal.org/bodies.html. It led me thinking that as living without ever going out from your room could bring serious health problems, so could living without ever exercising with all the other bodies (Astral, Etheric, Light and so on..). I guess we should take care of ourselves on every so-called dimension in order to stay healthy and avoid accidental damage to ourselves (http://sussch-daweird.blogspot.com/2010/03/bugs-in-aura.html). In the physical world, this means physical exercises while in astral body, concentration and meditation exercises (generally psionics, I guess).

In physics and mathematics, the word "dimension" is used for {X - length, Y - width, Z - height, t - time} and in my opinion, "parallel realities" would be a more descriptive label for those infamous "parallel dimensions". Anyway, having looked into a few fractal surfaces, I thought that the universe could be described by one density function with all the dimensions (were there theoretically 10 or 11 of them?). In that case, all times would exist at once and we would simply be traversing through the great density function by iterating over the time argument. Time travelling could theoretically be pretty simple then - just take a bigger step forwards or backwards. The problem with such density function would be that everything would have to be predetermined and we wouldn't be able to _actually_ change anything (I wouldn't want to believe that).

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