
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Indoors vs. outdoors

A night indoors. And since it was a rainy day, then I also spent the day indoors.

Since I was home alone, I had to cook. A few hours of meditative work. I thought it was quite good (really enjoyed the output).

When it stopped raining in the evening, I went outside and .. it was awesome. Everything felt lovely: the air, the trees, the grass that I had cut a couple of days ago. So I spent some time wallowing around :D. Nah, just laid there on the grass, and tried walking on hands which didn't work too well but was fun anyway.

Second night indoors. Thunder and lightning. The dog kept banging the doors and crawling onto the feet (it's heavy, so it hurts). Tried grounding the dog's fear and nervousness.

Again, it feels so mysterious and powerful outside.

All in all, sleeping in the nature makes a great difference. :)

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