
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Lava Floor?

1.5 more nights with pretty scenery at the summerhouse.

Last night I stumbled into a gang. In the dreams, ofc. Started out at a museum. Looked at old photos and music albums. Eventually got absorbed by one of the photos. Have any of you seen Uncle Bob painting with a lawnmower? That's what happened. The guys had a huge fan, which these guys used to blow spray paint onto a large canvas (a wall, I think). I walk past all this action and then turn around. At some point, my dream was interrupted by the fact that the ground caught fire. Retreated. Found a blanket, with which I extinguished the fire. Retreated further .. ended up in a weird building with red brick walls. There were at least 2-3 fireplaces and/or ovens or stoves in each room. All rooms had wooden floors that caught fire. I think I mopped the floor in my mind, which made it less flammable. I could see the waves of heat / hot air rising from the floor but at least it wasn't all in flames anymore. With curiosity, I took a closer look at the floor, touched it and deduced that there was an abnormal level of electrostatic charge on the floor - as if walking / sitting on a high voltage supply. "That explains the spontaneous combustion," I thought.

Facepalm since it's "just a dream".

Just after overcoming the most tedious phase of the illness, a wisdom tooth started rising again. This is not the first time it has happened like this. Thus, I guess it has some kind of an inversely proportional relationship to stress.

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