
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


A couple of dreams that I wanted to note down here.
But before that, an incident with bugs.


Having spent a couple of months on debugging firmware (and the software for testing it), yesterday evening I walked home and thought that the left shoe sure is buggy. It's been hurting the little toe on my left foot for years. The right foot is so much stronger that instead of the shoe hurting any toes, the foot hurts the shoe (has torn it open from the side). Got home and casually mentioned to sister that I really need to start looking around for new shoes cause the old ones are buggy. Showed her the bugs. Noticed that the cat was also a bit more interested in the shoes than before.

Today morning I put the shoes on, walked some, and suddenly something appeared in the left shoe. It was so large that I wondered how it even got there without me noticing it in the morning. Went to the first beach bench, took the shoe off, tapped against it a few times and put it back on. Strangely though, I only noticed emptiness fall out of the shoe. Expected to see something occupying the space, instead. A few more steps and realized that now this something is in the rear of the shoe (though, I didn't see anything there after tapping the shoe). Went back to the bench, took the shoe off again and saw a huge bug in the shoe. It was as big as a cockchafer (May bug) but had a yellow-black pattern on its wingshields. Amazingly though, the bug looked perfectly healthy, except for having another (tiny) bug on its back. For me it's a puzzle how my foot and such a large bug could coexist in such a small shoe without crashing into each-other.

Literally from debugging software to debugging shoes.

Charred house

Those classic dreams where things catch fire and I'm extinguishing them. Had one a couple of nights ago. The whole summerhouse was charred from inside out. Not really fire but the walls and everything covered in small pieces of glowing charcoal. Cleaned the exterior walls, then went to the attic. There was a bookshelf with books, all of which had their four corners glowing. This caused the wallpaper to burn.

There have been similar posts here in this blog before. Things burning, melting, arcing is a common theme for dreams related to spirituality, I think. I wish I realized the meaning of the dream while dreaming it. This way I could perhaps minimize the damage while optimizing for spiritual progress.


I don't think I've posted about helicopters before, but it's also a recurring theme. I used to have these dreams more often 10+ years ago.

Anyway, I'm having a chat with Mom (I guess) when suddenly a helicopter flies up to the living room windows. In these dreams I'm always expecting the helicopter to just fly over the building but it never does. It flies up to the window, pointing its missiles / minigun at me. This time it was a minigun. Me: "This is not good," then makes an attempt at hiding from the windows. Didn't have a proper body in the dream, which made my maneuvering slow and cumbersome. There's something special about the helicopters, though. They never fire (at least, so far they haven't), they just fly to the next window to get a good look at you and "poke you with their crosshair". It's as if the helicopter was to deliver a message: "We're watching you. You cannot escape and you cannot hide." Hid to sister's room, shrunk and curled up behind some furniture.

Woke up on the sound of the helicopter flying away. My logic says it's not very common to encounter a helicopter in the town during the night. It probably just flew past the building and in the dream it seemed to have lingered around for longer (time in shallow dreams).

The closest match to the dream seems to be the unkillable helicopters in Half-Life. Though, wasn't an apache this time.

Few techs ..

.. I wanted to write about.

Sour mouth

For a while now, I've been waking up with a sour taste in the mouth. Also, occasionally quite a bit of phlegm is produced. Grandma's advice (this I've read from some sources as well): clean the mouth with baking oil. Me: nope nope nope. In any case, tried that and it seemed to have helped just a little. But then it occurred to me that I already know how to resolve the issue: khecari mudra.

So, for a few days I've been practising khecari mudra on and off (sometimes between sleeping and waking up, sometimes while walking). Already a few minutes help against the sour mouth. Today morning I woke up and just thinking about performing the mudra already remarkably reduced the bad taste in my mouth.


Panic attacks or pain in the chest? Practice correct breathing. Breathe in quickly (or normally), then breathe out very slowly. This way the body is able to extract more oxygen. No sighs (sighs are the reverse).

I guess that blemishes are perhaps yet another symptom of low amounts of oxygen in the blood.

Wizard tower

Another technique that I've performed recently. I visualize myself meditating in a tall white wizard tower. The room is all white without any shadows, but perhaps a single brighter dot at eye-height on the wall in front of me. Inspiration from Durlag's Tower in Baldur's Gate, Lord of The Rings and Naruto.

Obvious but .. well ..

A couple of days ago while walking home, I noticed that it had become cold (summer's over, what a bummer). Haven't even had a vacation (except for those couple of weekends when I did not sit in the office). These thoughts caused the classical reaction in my mind to my surroundings: "No, don't turn into autumn yet! I haven't even had the chance to properly enjoy the summer yet."

This was going on in the subconscious mind, without thoughts. Somehow noticed it and thought it through. What's the point of trying to hold onto the summer when I don't even enjoy the moment? A summer without enjoying the moment is still not a summer to enjoy. The exact same goes for autumn as well. So, instead of pushing the autumn away (and starting to feel colder from the inside), I decided to take a fresh look at the emotions of the season floating around the town. The old and familiar autumn with people excited about getting back to school / work.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Weird grandma


Sweet. All muscles aching from the active holiday last weekend. Moved rocks and dug pits indoors. Found some "ancient" artifacts from there. By ancient artifacts, I mean a couple of springs, beer cans and grandma's old grade sheet from school.

Also got stung by a bee under the right eye so that it swelled a bit. Enough for it to be slightly uncomfortable but not enough for people to notice it easily.


Enjoyed a discussion with grandma on her 85th birthday. She had become convinced that the most recent family member is a reincarnation of my passed uncle. Having witnessed uncle's perks as a toddler, grandma just couldn't ignore all the similarities. I think sister was the first to notify me about the reincarnation (clickbait).

With all the secret talks with grandma about these things, it's starting to feel like becoming a village shaman or somesuch (with the knowledge passed on). Grandma knows a lot about herbs and different recipes for potions and ointments.

Wished for her to live beyond 120 years, only to realize that I need to do that myself. In any case, I do hope she'll focus more on her own health from now on as well. She's been always healing others without thinking about her own well-being. She said she had two quests left: helping me get rid of my blemishes, and chatting with uncle's reincarnate once he's able to speak again. I would think grandma were bonkers, if I were not at least as weird as her.

Actually, this reminds me that while she described how her son and her husband's mom both appeared at her bed one night. That night grandma asked her son to leave and take the old lady with him. In any case, I think I have seen my grandpa's mother in the hypnagogic state. At least, grandma's description of her matches the images very well. One mystery solved.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Upward flow

Lazy. Feel like meditating instead of working after the official workhours.

Yesterday morning I focused on the upward flow of psi as well as the feeling of weightlessness. Felt energized. Leaped over a construction tape. Surprised myself with how easily I rose over the tape. Once I hit the ground on the other side, it dawned on me that I had a heavy backpack. Did not crash but the landing was not that smooth. At work, a colleague commented that I looked at least 5 years younger.

It seems that regular focus on an upward flow of psi is important. Pranayama also seems to be much more effective with a visualization of the upward flow.

Today I felt the opposite. A lot of rain, even though according to the weather report and weather radar it should've been clear.

Two different days, two different job offers with opposite auras.

Apparently there has been a terrorist van attack again. It's not very polite to run over people. Mom is in Barcelona, I think. I have the feeling that she's fine.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


A summary of insignificant events.


On Thursday, there was a sauna night at work. Enjoyed 3 rounds of sauna + lake. There's a careful balance: with enough heat the experience is energizing, however, just a little too much and it drains all the energy. Hit near the balance point and became bored. Went outside, sat on the grass and enjoyed the sunset for an hour or two. Noticed that while there were some mosquitoes flying around me, they did not land for a bite. Occasionally other people came to ask what was up. They left soon due to all the mosquitoes and due to it being chilly outside.

Registered on a car that was about to leave. We ended up watching the stars, and instead of leaving we turned the car around and visited the large telescope instead. A very nice night.

Almost no sleep that night. Throughout the night, I simulated a work project that will start soon. The project did not finish well. Rewound and started again, changing some parameters. The project crashed again. Crashed for tens or hundreds of times before I woke up. In my mind I gave up on the project in the morning.

Next nights

Short sleep with an odd dream (too much Baldur's Gate, probably). There was someone in one of those old stone cellars. The roof was about to collapse, so I kept it from falling and started repairing the wooden beams that held it up. Managed to fix things, which caused a change in the dream. An old treasure chest popped up, with an entity that described the reward. "Most people either take the money or the book (wisdom)," the entity said. Figured that my closet was running out of pants, I opted for pants. The entity pointed out that there were two kinds of pants in the chest. Took the beginner's pants of levitation, since I was not interested in becoming overwhelmed with power. Noticed that in addition to being weightless, the pants were alive - a thought-form.


Confirmed for myself that dogs often act as thought police. While I had suspected that's how it works, I hadn't produced such a contrast before. Watched Split on the bus back to the hometown. Instead of walking, decided to take another bus home. A lady with a dog came to the bus. My thoughts were neutral for the 15+ minutes or so. Both of us left the bus at the same bus stop. I simply walked past the dog and at about 30 m from the dog, I produced a dangerous thought. The dog started barking at that exact moment, and kept barking in my direction even after I had disappeared between the buildings. That's an excellent indicator with immediate feedback.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Relaxing the brain

Slept for a couple of hours yesterday evening. Went to bed late, and planned on waking early. Didn't fall asleep normally, so I took a pose to lay in motionlessly. Relaxed the muscles and the mind. Relaxed the brain more thoroughly than I've done for a long time. No dreams, just a nice state of relaxation. Woke feeling more refreshed. Quite productive workday and even felt like doing some sports.

Edit: I found two methods that seemed effective for relaxing the brain. At first I imagined a carefree brain of a toddler that isn't required to remember anything, doesn't have to calculate anything, nor does it have anything to worry about. While this worked, I also tried humming in my mind. Used syllables from the Aum mantra: "AaaAAa" and "MmmMMMm". This was a bit more difficult to use for relaxation because of a preconception that I had - doing something in the mind means effort, and thus, tension.

There was supposed to be a sauna this evening. At first I said I wasn't going. Then I suddenly felt like I would still have to go (an image of a nice evening with sunset popped in my mind). Went through a shop, bought stuff (snacks and drinks). It cost 7. No, thanks to a customer card I got a discount so that the price dropped to 6.66. Started paying more attention to what's going on around me, hoping to spot something of significance. Lost a bit of chocolate from the ice cream. Later an old lady walked past, eating ice cream like a pro. For all these years, I've been eating ice cream wrong =D. A nice walk through the parks, with a nice sunset view. No sauna because it wasn't booked properly. Lovely evening, definitely worth it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Dream Training

Holy cow. A very interesting read:

Pretty cool ideas, especially with the virtual clones, unifying the consciousness of mankind and so on. Although it should be taken with a grain of salt, at least some of it seems plausible.

Also, it might elegantly explain the dreams that I used to have many years ago. Recurring dreams of being locked up in a box with no way out, with false memories. Whenever I figured out it was all planted and fake, they became angry at me, sighed and quickly fabricated another dream environment with different false memories. Their dreams became more and more sloppy and at some point I stopped having these dreams. They then found that it was easier to keep me in dreams with content that I found interesting (pieces of electronics, schematics, working principles of fictional technology). Though, soon after I was also recognizing those in just seconds into the dream. Stopped having those dreams as well.

I also recall one night when I suddenly became lucid straight from the deep sleep state. I realized that there was someone speaking in my mind, attempting to brainwash while I was unconscious.

Apparently I've been mistaken in thinking that I have achieved some spiritual success on my own. Perhaps I owe a lot to these guys for training me in lucid dreaming, willpower, dealing with critical situations, etc. =)

Last night I visualized myself as a warrior, with the powerful tools: the mind, and the body. Took a pose, focused on just being there, and felt energy building up and flowing up the spine.