But before that, an incident with bugs.
Having spent a couple of months on debugging firmware (and the software for testing it), yesterday evening I walked home and thought that the left shoe sure is buggy. It's been hurting the little toe on my left foot for years. The right foot is so much stronger that instead of the shoe hurting any toes, the foot hurts the shoe (has torn it open from the side). Got home and casually mentioned to sister that I really need to start looking around for new shoes cause the old ones are buggy. Showed her the bugs. Noticed that the cat was also a bit more interested in the shoes than before.Today morning I put the shoes on, walked some, and suddenly something appeared in the left shoe. It was so large that I wondered how it even got there without me noticing it in the morning. Went to the first beach bench, took the shoe off, tapped against it a few times and put it back on. Strangely though, I only noticed emptiness fall out of the shoe. Expected to see something occupying the space, instead. A few more steps and realized that now this something is in the rear of the shoe (though, I didn't see anything there after tapping the shoe). Went back to the bench, took the shoe off again and saw a huge bug in the shoe. It was as big as a cockchafer (May bug) but had a yellow-black pattern on its wingshields. Amazingly though, the bug looked perfectly healthy, except for having another (tiny) bug on its back. For me it's a puzzle how my foot and such a large bug could coexist in such a small shoe without crashing into each-other.
Literally from debugging software to debugging shoes.
Charred house
Those classic dreams where things catch fire and I'm extinguishing them. Had one a couple of nights ago. The whole summerhouse was charred from inside out. Not really fire but the walls and everything covered in small pieces of glowing charcoal. Cleaned the exterior walls, then went to the attic. There was a bookshelf with books, all of which had their four corners glowing. This caused the wallpaper to burn.There have been similar posts here in this blog before. Things burning, melting, arcing is a common theme for dreams related to spirituality, I think. I wish I realized the meaning of the dream while dreaming it. This way I could perhaps minimize the damage while optimizing for spiritual progress.
I don't think I've posted about helicopters before, but it's also a recurring theme. I used to have these dreams more often 10+ years ago.Anyway, I'm having a chat with Mom (I guess) when suddenly a helicopter flies up to the living room windows. In these dreams I'm always expecting the helicopter to just fly over the building but it never does. It flies up to the window, pointing its missiles / minigun at me. This time it was a minigun. Me: "This is not good," then makes an attempt at hiding from the windows. Didn't have a proper body in the dream, which made my maneuvering slow and cumbersome. There's something special about the helicopters, though. They never fire (at least, so far they haven't), they just fly to the next window to get a good look at you and "poke you with their crosshair". It's as if the helicopter was to deliver a message: "We're watching you. You cannot escape and you cannot hide." Hid to sister's room, shrunk and curled up behind some furniture.
Woke up on the sound of the helicopter flying away. My logic says it's not very common to encounter a helicopter in the town during the night. It probably just flew past the building and in the dream it seemed to have lingered around for longer (time in shallow dreams).
The closest match to the dream seems to be the unkillable helicopters in Half-Life. Though, wasn't an apache this time.