Holy cow. A very interesting read:
Pretty cool ideas, especially with the virtual clones, unifying the consciousness of mankind and so on. Although it should be taken with a grain of salt, at least some of it seems plausible.
Also, it might elegantly explain the dreams that I used to have many years ago. Recurring dreams of being locked up in a box with no way out, with false memories. Whenever I figured out it was all planted and fake, they became angry at me, sighed and quickly fabricated another dream environment with different false memories. Their dreams became more and more sloppy and at some point I stopped having these dreams. They then found that it was easier to keep me in dreams with content that I found interesting (pieces of electronics, schematics, working principles of fictional technology). Though, soon after I was also recognizing those in just seconds into the dream. Stopped having those dreams as well.
I also recall one night when I suddenly became lucid straight from the deep sleep state. I realized that there was someone speaking in my mind, attempting to brainwash while I was unconscious.
Apparently I've been mistaken in thinking that I have achieved some spiritual success on my own. Perhaps I owe a lot to these guys for training me in lucid dreaming, willpower, dealing with critical situations, etc. =)
Last night I visualized myself as a warrior, with the powerful tools: the mind, and the body. Took a pose, focused on just being there, and felt energy building up and flowing up the spine.
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