
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Target practice

Last night in the dreams I was working on a school task of some sort. What was unusual though, a girl came, sat next to me and enjoyed my presence. She answered most of the questions I had on the paper. I was grateful. Soon she left. Slowly realized that at least most of her answers contained nothing useful.

A few nights ago I had a strange (unusual) dream. Workshop / seminar stuff .. then became bored, lucid and started playing parkour around the place. This eventually developed into flying around. Some entity to my right drew me to what looked like an FPS target practice at a park. I was a bit surprised that firearms did not work there. Obviously the idea was to charge at the target, flying as fast as I could. So I did. The target had several invisible shields around it. This method caused the outermost shield to crack and fall apart. The next attack took the next shield. The next target was summoned. Stuff did not seem right. Took its outermost shield and then I was stopped. One of the entities to my right (there were two, I think) had developed empathy towards the target and rushed to it. By "stuff did not seem right", I meant I realized the seriousness of it .. it was not a game / simulation, like the FPS dreams have been (guns usually don't hurt in those dreams). I also realized that although the targets seemed like statues, they actually were not. Similarly to this dream, I could feel the dormant danger of the targets .. they seemed alive but somehow frozen or inanimate. Hmm .. remembered that since hitting the shield, the shockwave and cracking propagated very slowly. Perhaps the targets had been locked in time somehow?

On a better note, I've been taking quite a few chances at participating in events that I usually wouldn't. This has been having a positive (though, so far temporary) effect on my awareness.

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