
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Not serious

Today at work one of the projector lamps in the EMC test chamber suddenly went out. The colleague who manages the chamber and EMC tests, said: "Heh. One of the lamps just burned out." I acknowledged but didn't really pay attention because recently this has been happening so often. He was really surprised when he later flipped the switch and the lamp was working just fine.

Last night featured at least 5 hours of quality sleep, yay! Despite all those years at university, still nervous about exams =/. Tried to come to an agreement with ego, stating that the body has nothing to do with it. Although it had an effect, it seems it was temporary. Probably not detached enough from the ego. Keeping the body clean of semi-conscious accumulation of tension is not the job of ego, it's my job.

Quite vivid dreams, best of which during the first 5 hours or so. I had gone outside for some specific task. It was no longer winter .. spring perhaps, or summer? Looked back up at the apartment block and noticed something ominous about the clouds. Some of the clouds had thousands of tiny dark spots flying around in them. These dark spots greatly affected the mobility of the clouds, and the clouds had the potential to move really fast. To a regular eye, they would look like regular rain or thunder clouds. However, I definitely didn't want to get those dark .. things raining on me, at least not today. There were two of these clouds in the sky, speeding past the other clouds as if chasing each-other. Went back inside. Looked outside the balcony window and the trees were in fresh green leaves. Very pretty day.

A couple of nights ago I walked in the back yard of the old barn house. A lot of stuff there. Went to the storage hut with the new thatched roof for sleep. Three other people appeared there. Two at the back and one just next to me (had the appearance of an old classmate and friend). I had been preparing for sleep when a light bulb burned out. Friend went to replace it. He extracted the bulb, which then flickered a bit and lit in his hand. He came to show this to me, but geisting became worse and he got quite an electric shock from the bulb. He lost consciousness but it didn't seem very serious, at least not in the dream. Since dreams aren't really serious ... right? ;)

The waves of heat from the abdomen have still been radiated every now and then, but on a smaller scale. Still enough for me to remove the coat while walking around. Once also cooled myself by poking a tree branch until a pile of snow landed on my face and around the neck. That felt really good.

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