
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crosshair and interference rings

After having seen the Naruto Shippuuden episodes 154 and 155, I thought I should try to feel the surroundings while meditating again (the last time I tried it was probably a few months ago).

So, I meditated yesterday evening before going to sleep and tried to sense everything in my room. When I started to feel something, a box in the corner of my room suddenly snapped and stopped my concentration.

Today at 6 PM, I thought I should try twitching the psi-wheel again, but decided to meditate before - too much interfering thoughts. While I was meditating and occasionally nearly falling asleep, then waking up to continue meditating, I suddenly noticed that I was feeling psi flowing from the living room out onto the balcony. I remembered that when I saw colorful waves of psi flowing a while ago, the flow was in the opposite direction - from my balcony to the windows in the living room (they seemed to have penetrated the walls as if there was nothing in the way). Could it be that sun was shining from the direction of the living room and thus also shooting psi in that direction?

Anyway, I tried to twitch the covered psi-wheel after having meditated for about 20 minutes or so. I think I saw it twitching a few times, but nothing special. I tried different methods and when I noticed that I was seeing the "crosshair" again, I visualized these darker ovals bouncing into the psi-wheel and making it spin. I guess I saw it twitch a little again, but my vision seemed a bit different - I noticed that I was seeing a light and dark rim (sort of like interference rings from coherent light) around the psi-wheel. While I was looking at the rims at different angles, it all fainted and I couldn't see any rims nor the crosshair anymore.

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