
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, September 24, 2010

Scattered posts

Attempted to illuminate the phosphor-luminescent toy yesterday evening again. This time I tried a technique that came to my mind a couple of days ago, but I had been trying to leave it for the last (for comparison). I visualized UV light being emitted from my palms, which would excite the atoms in the toy.

I don't know if it was the method or something else, but the glow seemed more intensive than yesterday (although it was still faint). It seemed to have started glowing a lot earlier than yesterday as well.

Having stopped before a traffic light, I looked at a traffic light post and felt it slowly swimming around in the asphalt as if it were liquid. During some previous schooldays I have felt chalk figures slightly morphing and moving around on the blackboard. I find it weird, because it feels like pk, but I think that so far none of it has produced results that others could see - probably too slow movement for that. When I have filmed moving something with the same feeling, some slight movement has usually been caught on the recording (especially when watching it at high speeds).

When I was looking through one of quantum mechanics problem solutions at school, I gradually lost focus of the paper and started feeling the table underneath. Amazingly, the feeling of the table was better than what I have accomplished during the last few weeks. It was still not strong enough to actually move the table around though.

Almost all of todays lectures were in the same room again. After one of these lectures ended and students had left, the door and windows were left open. As a result, the door kept swinging forward and backward, making a squeaky noise. I was eating lunch and took a quick look at the door, attempting to close it with pk. Then I just continued eating and shortly afterwards the door took a bigger swing towards closing and got stuck in the door frame. Erik who had also stayed in the classroom, asked: "You just used your psi powers, right?" I was amazed at both of us and started laughing.

It's quite unusual, I thought and started searching for all kinds of excuses of how it couldn't have been me. At first I thought he did it, because I didn't feel the door and didn't actually pay attention to it after the first look at it. Also, how did he know what I was thinking - I thought he wasn't into psionics. Anyway, I wanted to tell him about the Igor experiment, but other students came in. I then thought I could chat with him in the evening, so it didn't matter.

As a matter of fact, the evening got stretched and I arrived at home at around 10:40 PM. I had forgotten about what I had wanted to say to Erik. When I turned my laptop on and opened messenger, Erik immediately asked me if I had been bowling with the other classmates. Now, the bowling had been scheduled for the next Friday, but it reminded me what I had intended to tell him. A short, but interesting discussion on probabilities and quantum mechanics grew out.

One more thing I remembered about the schoolday. Someone presented a 1 hour summary of their PhD on symbiotic star research in astrophysics seminar. I was looking at her aura, which I could occasionally see from the corner of my eyes. Once when she moved forward, I saw her moving forward before her body followed. I don't think that the ghost image that moved before her physical body was related to auras, because it was darker and had her look imprinted on it.

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