
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Rat king

Dream from a couple of days ago (during a daily nap):

I'm walking around a tall building. There's a door that I wanted to keep closed. I knew there was something evil sleeping inside. This evil had the appearance similar to rat king, with a very strong murderous intent radiating from it. I knew it was about time that it would wake up from its long sleep. Passed by the door and noticed that it wasn't fully closed. Silently pushed it all the way shut, which woke up the creature. While going down the stairs, at some moment I heard a bang - the creature had blown the door and was going for a morning stroll.

I woke up next to a gravel road when a truck passed by. I had been enjoying the warm spring weather, may back on the mud / grass. Stood up and looked around. I knew the creature was loose, but that was in another realm .. it couldn't directly influence me. However, I was aware of both realms. On this one, I was standing next to the road; on the other there were two old men in grey robes (monks? angels?). One of the men was consumed by the wrath of the rat king. The other man had golden-white wings and an untouched calmness. He recited a mantra in Spanish (seemed to have been his native language). Due to the mantra, the creature knew the man must be there somewhere, but it could not see the man, it could not do anything to the man. All that evil, which was now helpless. The creature was not happy about its wasted effort, but at the same time, astonished that something like this was even possible.

I decided to go back home. The road was muddy, so I hesitated a bit, and looked around if there was a better way .. there wasn't. Somebody had already slipped in there. Oh well..

A few dreams last night.

I'm visiting a surgery lab. There's a lot of tech, but the one who's showing me (us, actually - when taking the guide into account, who is almost always present everywhere I go) around, was especially excited about two instalments. There was a high-precision cutter with thin cutting wires. Thin and sharp objects .. this made me very cautious. He / she told each cut with the device was ridiculously expensive, then took their shoe and chamfer-cut its heel with it in a very rough and careless way. Me: WtF?

Anyway, he / she then showed me three tubes that they use for growing tissue. Each of the tubes used different materials for growing the tissue. However, all of the materials were such that the body would quickly replace them and re-grow its own tissue on the same base. The tube on the left grew tissue out of plastic (seemed very artificial). The middle and right tubes grew organic tissue. When I looked at the tubes, both of them grew tiny plants. The middle plant I think was skin-colored. The right plant was multicolored .. skin-color + purplish leaves, I think.

Before waking up, I had very vivid hypnagogic imagery. Very vivid. Not quite interactive though - I simply observed and didn't step into them. Oh, actually did step into one of them.

In that one, I was walking back home via an alternative route. At first it became very foggy, then soon after the fog disappeared and there was sunshine. They were building something big near the beach. Also, there was quite a big harbor / port along the river or channel. There were quite a few large ships at the dock. I was surprised.

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