Visualized dropping myself into the huge chunk of consciousness that I had been feeling separated from.
Bubbles of ego and fear started rising and burning away slowly. Tried to maintain focus on just swimming there in the huge pond of consciousness. Very thick and dense psi field and I was only at the edge of the pond. Eventually I lost consciousness into those big bubbles of hypnagogic imagery.
Had a dream, where I was in some sort of a school in Finland. Their teaching methods seemed considerably more effective than ours. Within the few hours that I spent asleep, the lecture spanned several subjects and in great detail. There was a lot of homework, though. Sighed about that.
Sighed about the same thing today when it turned out that I need to finish a presentation one week earlier. That's one out of 5 presentations that I need to deliver, in addition to other stuff. Well, it can't hurt.
The previous idea of not fighting cold and allowing it to spread out throughout the body might've worked but it didn't quite have the effect I had hoped for. I hoped I would stop feeling cold and that I would no longer catch cold. The latter part might have actually worked, but the former one doesn't seem to have.
Started testing a hypothesis: "If I feel cold, it's because I'm not radiating enough heat." From some strange perspective that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, it might be logical that if we're cold and we increase our heat output, the universe would react by causing us to feel warmer. Sounds crazy and absurd enough for me to roll the dice and try it. From a more spiritual point of view, it's an attempt to trick the mind and plant a reaction that makes sense. Often before I start to feel cold, psi channels shrink. With less psi running through the system, I catch cold more easily. The idea would be to widen the shrunken psi channels whenever I feel cold and use the psi flow to heat the body.
Visited the kitchen and noticed that when I relaxed, a juice package twitched slightly. Played with it a little.
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