
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dissolving mummy curse

Shirak posted an article on the Egyptian mummy curse on the forum. Acquired the feeling of great power and hatred from reading the article. Afraid of "becoming infected with the curse" via empathy, I tried to overcome it by "hugging it". The curse most likely had the purpose of having everyone obey the rules. Though, a lot of these rules are out of date and forgotten. The point is not to punish people for not knowing, but to make sure they won't break any rules on purpose.

The construct felt pretty solid. It was surprised at first, then it seemed as if it had started to fight back. After maybe 10 minutes of focusing on the feeling of love and compassion towards the curse and its victims, the construct acknowledged it. A few minutes later, I felt it dissolve completely .. it gained peace. I felt ecstatic, proud and ego enjoyed a boost.

Asked it for a hint on learning to levitate or fly. A blurry visualization of flying against an opposing force from various directions followed. I had forgotten the benefits of opposing force training.

Had a dream later, where I was accepted as a member into some sort of a society. The environment was dark and reddish, the earth dark brown. Somewhat reminded me of hell, where the members enjoyed their habits and then suffered from their own karma. Other than that, they had some rather strict rules, which forced them to be nice to others.

Still felt extremely happy today morning, though, quite tired as well. Tired and clumsy.

Edit: Hm, remembered that I coincidentally applied the idea of opposing force training for levitation today morning. Walked a neat distance with the backpack a lot heavier than before. Tried to make the backpack and my own body lighter.

Also, while driving, I looked at the asphalt out of the window. A strong entrainment to photons hitting atoms in the asphalt. The feeling of tires gripping to the asphalt, the feeling of air blowing against the car and asphalt. Almost on par with an OBE a while ago.

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