
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wonderful performances

What a wonderful day during one of the last city permits. In the morning we visited a concert where a cousin performed .. few-year-olds playing instruments like pros .. The music was so good that I had chills and I felt the music resonating in my energy channels all around the body. There were vitrage windows at the hall. Wanted to have sun shining onto the stage through those windows. Entrained to the area and had sun come out, but nothing changed at the windows. Well, later it turned out these were lights, not windows. Facepalm. Anyway, the sunshine and warm weather were well worth it =).

A lady made a poisonous remark on grandma making some noise during the concert. Felt it hurting her ego .. dissolved the pain so that she could continue to enjoy the performance.

Slept until evening and went to see a drama where another cousin performed. The best play I've seen in theatres so far. The plot was deep and mystical (a hotel of bardo (transitional state before death)), acting was pretty much perfect and the dialogues were pure gold. A lot of chills and a lot of attempts to keep the tears back.

Grandma had bought flowers for our cousin, but one of them had become broken in half. Wish I would've succeeded in fixing it with pk. Oh well..

Grandpa had stomach problems. Attempted to heal him .. a few minutes later he started to feel better.
Had a headache for most of the day today. Perhaps overdid it a little with psionics practice yesterday. Held focus on the lower chakras for almost the whole day yesterday. Tried to keep up with it at night and today as well.

Occasional bursts of weight reduction as well as some shifts of consciousness outwards from the body.

About a week ago, someone gave birth to an epic fart .. a shockwave carried the smell everywhere in the room. Practiced smell manifestation on it, by trying to change the smell to that of some flowers. Interesting that it worked while having focus on the construct. Whenever my mind would wander, the smell of flowers would become faint.

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