
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A precog of the lab?

I guess now a couple of nights ago, there was also a dream, which I recognized as precognitive.

So far, all of the precognitive dreams have had that bluish black veil to it. As if everything were in a slight dark blue fog of sorts.

Entered the lab .. knew it has been a long while. Some things were still familiar, though, everything had gone way more hi-tech. Even the middle room was full of electronics and some tools. Entered the lab and it was amazingly crowded. Had never seen that many people there. Something was going on in one of the cleanrooms, some people were soldering boards together and stuff. Most of them I didn't know, but some of them were the old guys. Recognized one of the old management guys and some from other parts of the project. I was welcomed.
Came home late yesterday and had difficulties falling asleep right away (had been hungry and had to eat before bed).

Suddenly, there was a period without mind. Breath didn't cease completely yet. This might've lasted for slightly less than a minute, I guess. Left the body there like that.

Later, I suddenly found the body overclocked with vibrations of psi. The frequency seemed to have doubled.
Felt really tired and dull today. Everyone wanted something of me again, just wanted to finish at least one of the things that I considered of highest priority.

Would occasionally feel myself becoming irritated. Happened to lean once and felt a pulsing in the crown chakra. This helped me to calm down quickly.

At home, I found one of the flowers drying up. Took a bottle to water it. Poured some .. it seems there was a dried leaf on the edge of the pot .. now there was water dripping down from the pot, onto the cabinet.

"Now ain't that sweet," I thought, noting that almost exactly the same happened a couple of years ago, during another cycle of this life.

Opened the cabinet and observed water dripping down on the clothes, cabinet doors, me and the floor. Emotionless, I started to clean that up. During this process, felt psi pulsing strong in the upper body.
Almost forgot. This lab dream had me wondering if I had been visiting the lab at night. The thing is, one morning the middle door was found unlocked. Also, for several nights (or mornings) in a row, there had been an alarm in the lab.

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