
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Flying night

Circulated psi through the body and outside of it before going to bed last night.

Felt the power of psi flowing around. Saw the thin border between power and fear of it (due to lack of control). Found that a lot of this power came through something dark attached to what I think might be the etheric body. Focused on this dark cobweb-like thing and hugged it from the heart. The thing became smaller, brighter and more cute .. reminded me of panda or something.

The dreams were bright and vivid. Among them, the most incredible flying dream so far.

Visited a cottage somewhere in the woods. Knew that Kevin (another psion) and his brother were staying there. On my arrival, Kevin woke up, tried to wake up his brother but to no avail (in too deep a sleep). With Kevin, we started the journey to our summerhouse .. flying. Flying through the forest with picturesque scenery (from various times of the year). It was a lot of fun to dart through from between tree branches, pick up speed and so on. Arrived at the summerhouse. Kevin decided to opt for walking and warned me about the hawks (kind of familiar, I guess I've been warned about those before). Said I'm ok and would keep a low altitude. In in-dream time, this journey might have lasted for about a day (or slightly less), whereas in wake time it seemed to have been a couple of hours.

Today was a rather stressful day. Though, everything was fine actually.

Some moments of feeling weightless. A coworker showed signs of being psychic (described what was going to happen some seconds ahead).

At home, I happened to see something dark about me. A moment of empathy with something evil.

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