
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stealth injection

Was harsh to someone in my mind. Next morning I didn't feel too good. Focus was strongly fixed on tension and it seemed as if everything was attacking me all the time.

Decided to do something about it in the evening. Meditated some, which alleviated it a little. Realized the body was lacking something .. some vitamins or minerals or something, which contributed to feeling uneasy.

Laid down to meditate once more. A real vivid sensation of being injected with something to the left upper-arm. Felt the needle go in with a sharp pain. Usually, the sharp pain would go away quickly, when the needle is pulled out. This time it didn't. It stayed there for a minute or something. A faint feeling of some fluid propagating from the arm. The fluid seemed to be rather close to body temperature and not harmful.

This really made me feel like an experiment. Can't see nor sense nobody in the room and suddenly somebody injects something into the body. Should thank them, because the feeling of the body missing something is gone.

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