
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stuff that melts away

A few mornings ago, at the kitchen door, I saw a cloud of dark blue creep in behind me. Looked there .. father in a real sleepy state. Strange that I didn't hear any footsteps and strange that I saw stuff behind me. It didn't creep nor startle me or anything, but it was a bit surprising.

Have been struggling with fear against unintentional pk and geisting again recently. That's because I feel rather stuffed of psi and not too stable emotionally. A typical case: a car drives past, I just look at it once, acquire the feeling of it in a split-second .. then the fears of causing harm or damage pop up .. mind panics and I force-focus it on something else (a tree, the feeling of presence, some homework exercise, etc.).

Then again, sometimes I feel at peace. Mind is silent and there's just a sense of happiness and psi becoming thicker. Sometimes I find a hole in the veil and focus in on it.

A lot of strange stuff from the winter melting away (fears, unsolved riddles of the mind). There have been several of those Heureka! moments without the mind being able to grasp what had clicked together.

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