
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, February 1, 2019

Saint Sis

Instead of staring at the cellphone or reading magazines, I chose to stare into the pot where I was boiling rice. Several jolts of consciousness.

Saw things differently today, compared to the previous days. Touched corners / edges of consciousness that I had not touched for a long time.

Cooked something out of the ordinary today. Though, made it a bit too spicy because already the sauce was more spicy than I had anticipated .. and adding chilly pepper didn't really help much XD. However, in general I've found that my digestive system enjoys spicy food more.

Had quite unusual dreams last night.

Dream: Saint Sis

Sister happened into a TV show of some sort, which me and Mom were watching. Sister baffled the host by levitating across the stage. She also had that impressive spiritual cool. Next scene, and she's floating over a golden bridge with all sorts of people (including monks and nuns) making way for her.

Dream: Smog

I was in some foreign city for some kind of an event (conference, maybe). Anyway, there was an excursion to some place atop a hill. When we reached the hilltop, I noticed that there was a lot of smog on top of the city. However, the smog was somehow kept in place with an electric field or something. The building in front of us, however, lacked electricity and there was quite a bit of smoke around it. From the inside, the building looked charred. We went a few storeys up and there were some clean and inhabited rooms up there. I found it a bit too crowded, though, and went back outside.

1 comment:

  1. Read about Genano from the newspaper on Saturday (related to their order from China). Based on what little I read about it, their technology reminded me of the technology in Dream: Smog a bit.

    This gave me a few ideas about how some flying craft could make use of ion wind and plasma currents.
