
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sorry X

If there were a r/wallstreetbets for finding girlfriends, I would probably feel at home with all my losses. Perhaps I could even brag about being this bad at it. Whatever, decided to return my focus on the more interesting things: work and hobbies.

Yesterday I praised a former colleague X to high heavens and expressed my worries about him being swamped with work-stress. Today I got the info that my former colleagues have been assigned to a tough project. While I'm glad I'm not stuck in that hamster wheel anymore, I feel bad for them. In the previous project that we worked on together, I tried to alleviate the stress but failed and now it's even worse for them at their new jobs. Sigh.

While chatting to a student about my current work, anxiety kicked in. For some reason, it tends to happen when I discuss topics that I'm enthusiastic about with someone I don't fully trust.

Visited a pizza store, sat down and decided to check the stocks and reddit. Phone displayed 31% battery (the 6+ Ah battery would typically last for a few days). Enabled 4G and phone froze, then rebooted itself and displayed 19% battery. Skype has caused some serious android lag before but the phone hasn't frozen and rebooted like this before. Whatever.

Read O12's post about accidentally blowing his PC power supply yesterday evening.

Not nice, and apparently not a healthy read, either. This morning my laptop froze 3x. Eventually determined that it was Spotify. Maybe something to do with the "aursync -u" and "pacman -Syu" I performed a few days ago? But yesterday I listened to Spotify for hours without any issues. Dunno.

Learned quite a bit about weather from the video (thanks O12 for sharing):

Link to Caputi's live experiment: https://deltaaware.org/weather/.

Dreams haven't been anything special as of recent.

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