
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sleeping 11h straight

Went straight to bed after coming home yesterday.

I was slightly frustrated about finding out that processor ESD diodes may act as thyristors and randomly latch up. I was frustrated because I didn't know what to do - LM3S9B92 just hopped to about 83 degrees Celsius (whereas 85 degrees is the absolute maximum of its operating range). On the other hand, I was happy too, because it would've been a bummer to learn it from mistake later.

Anyway, I went straight to bed after eating something. Although I was exhausted, I didn't get any dreams at first and was just lying on my back with almost no thoughts. Some minutes later I noticed that my hands and legs were out of the body. I didn't get to a full OBE although the feelings seemed similar enough as if I've been having them pretty often (some dreams, perhaps?).

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