
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, May 5, 2014

Feedback around time

Thought I had nothing to post. Had even forgotten what that nothing was.

Yesterday I worked on a presentation. It stressed me a lot, because with this presentation, I would be facing one of my biggest insecurities so far. Presenting a few key concepts from my viewpoint of the world to fellow students. A few of these concepts have been publicly ridiculed by several friends, lecturers, and one professor who even highlighted it during the graduation ceremony.

The reason for such a subject is simple - thought about the subject for months and couldn't come up with any other subject that would do. Also, this one really matters, even if the audience rejects it. Shall try to serve it in such a way that I would make a lot of hints but inspire the audience to research, experiment and decide themselves.

Anyway, while making this presentation, I experienced deja vu of presenting it several times. Almost managed to do it on demand. Each time I took the feeling into account and improved the presentation. As if designing the future by making modifications in the present and checking the results in the future if it changed the way I wanted it to. This is the first time this has occurred to such an extent.

It's supposed to be just 10 minutes and at first I had wanted to show some video clips as well. Ended up adding some slides instead, because otherwise it wouldn't have the intended effect. The ideas are the most important. Once the audience has been inspired, they could look up the videos on their own anyway.

At night, saw a lot of green leaves and plants everywhere around me. It's been a while.

Have been considering taking up polyphasic sleep. Even though, my current sleep pattern is already biphasic, unless it's a long day at school or work.

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