There's another problem with my levitation practice - the feeling of lifting coincides with yet another pk practice. I used to practice pk on the mattress (changing its shape) before falling asleep and instead of lifting myself, I'm lifting the mattress. Well, I'm not exactly sure I'm actually lifting anything, but it feels like it and one morning I saw a part of the mattress rising a bit (could've been an illusion).
Messed some more with the same candle this evening. When I got the flame down to the size where the wick was barely burning, I got too excited and lost the feeling of the flame. It had taken me about 10 minutes (not sure, but it seemed that way) to get the feeling of the flame today. My head was just so cloudy and full of thoughts that it took me longer to achieve a blank state of mind than yesterday.
The feeling of getting a feeling of stuff or the feeling of "becoming the object" slightly reminded me of OBE-ing a part of my head to the location of the object. The comparison just popped into my mind after practicing. I have to experience it more clearly in order to be able to draw any parallels.
I noticed that when something to my left suddenly made a snapping sound, the flame quickly leaned left. Another snapping sound came from the living room right after, but the flame didn't react to it. I thought that the flame had twitched like this because I was a bit startled by the sound.
I tried new types of visualizations for extinguishing the flame.
- I visualized a small shield around the flame that would stop air molecules from moving around, thus making it more difficult for the candle to gather oxygen for burning. Couldn't pull it off very well, the flame twitched a few times and perhaps became only a bit smaller, but nothing more.
- I visualized CO2 piling up around the candle, making it difficult to gather oxygen again. This one had no effect - I guess I couldn't visualize the properties of carbon-dioxide well enough.
- Tried to influence the wick directly, turning the glowing segments darker. The effect of wick segments turning darker could be seen (both on the wick and on the flame, which changed its shape), but I would have had to turn the whole wick darker at the same time. When my focus moved away to another segment, the previous one started glowing again.
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