
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Leaves flyin

I once said "Should start practicing psychokinesis again". He thought he had heard me wrong and asked: "What? Who?" I repeated and he asked again. "Is that even possible," he asked. I said "Try it!"

Decided to show him that it's real. When we went to copy the keys today, it occurred to me to play with weather manipulation a little. Sun was shining and there were a few small clouds floating across the sky, little to no wind. A few minutes later, a large rain cloud had appeared. Wind rose, colored leaves started flying around and a slight rainfall appeared.

When we came back, the sky had almost cleared up, no wind, and sun was cooking. He complained of it being too hot. I pointed at the cloud that had flown over us before. We started calling it back, wind picked up from that direction.

At home, he decided to visit one of his friends. This time he took his jacket with him. The moment he announced it, it started raining. When he left, it was already raining quite heavily.

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