It seems I've managed to stay friends with those entities. Got a lot of energy back last night. But then quickly lost a part of it again.
I've been feeling a bit tense again. Yesterday evening a light bulb blew out. Today morning, the CFL in the kitchen made a loud crackle and a strong flicker. Snapping is back, too. When I think of something, an object most closely related to this thought makes a snapping sound.
Contrary to what the horoscope claimed, I didn't feel too active today. Felt like having missed the weekend (prepared a presentation, which came out to be more like a full lecture).
Ah, remembered that as we came back from jogging yesterday, I saw another one of those flower construct graffities. The most beautiful, so far. Gotta take a picture some day.
Also remembered that yesterday I saw a piece of styrofoam (or something similar, material-wise) move on the floor when I was about to enter the room. Busted! I saw it. ;)
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