
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Obey or suffer? No thanks..

Feeling drained. So many psi-vamps around.

Dad came home yesterday evening and as soon as I entered the room he was in, I felt uncomfortable and drained .. suddenly couldn't hold my eyes open any longer.

Even though I already felt drained today morning, the same thing continued. As soon as I became to a proximity of 20 m to father, I would suddenly grow really tired. When he left the room, I would gradually feel more and more fresh again.
In a half-dream state yesterday evening, I explored different kinds of gold (symbol for spiritual values).

There seemed to be many, but 3 of them looked most important:
  1. Dark gold - gold with a slightly dark reflection. Like gold with a bronze-like reflection. This one would become oxidized (would eventually become dull). Most of the gold that I saw around was like this .. not real gold.
  2. Gold - pure and shiny. Some of the temples and stairways were elaborated with this.
  3. White gold - like a fine powder of gold. This one didn't shine or in any way look special, but seemed superior to the others. On the stairways, the rails were covered with white gold.
Anyway, had some more dreams where I had to "suffer the consequences" of barking against the powers that were in some of the earlier dreams.

Had to play wounded. Someone projected a wound on my left shoulder. It was artificial, so I didn't even feel it. They then wrapped it in. Having wasted too much time and effort on playing with me, they rushed to an event. Participating in the event was compulsory for me too. Feeling apathetic, I just took my time and walked there. On my way there, I was scolded for bleeding on the floor. When I got there, I was scolded for being late. However, none of this "old school building with everything shaded in gloom" was my design anyway. It was not my dream and I had known it all the time.

It seems SeriousKnot was right. I wonder if I was right too .. because if that's the case, then one can prison-break pretty elegantly. Interesting, in this context, "liberation" and "enlightenment" would have a pretty well-defined meaning.

Though, I found it quite interesting that there were specific times, when their community would have to gather outside of the buildings. There was some sort of a meeting or something, which they had to participate or they would be punished. Probably a dictatorship system, where they would receive their daily orders this way.

Didn't see the event. Dream ended before. Woke up pretty tired in the morning.
Meditated and slept for a lot of times today. Feeling pretty lonely .. there's something that was within reach, but can't reach it anymore. Have to regain energy.

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