
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Visited graveyard and church with grandparents. Sang along and found that singing helps heart and throat chakras quite a bit. Attempted pk on one of the chandeliers and on a cloth hanging from the bishop's podium. No visible success. It seemed easier to manipulate the brochure with song lyrics. Tried to make it fold itself. The effect was small but visible (the far edge rose about 1 cm, not more).

For several times throughout the past few days, I've been quite close to the channels opening. Almost, but not quite.

Feeling this urge + mild sadness for something that is out of reach and out of this world. Again.

The church Christmas program made me feel sorry for all the people. The religion is like a crutch that people like to lean on while minding their daily business. One one hand, they're sad because they cannot walk or stand upright without the crutch. On the other hand, they're sad because they don't want to leave the crutch. This is not only a problem for religious people; everyone is raised this way, as our whole society has sprung from religion.

About Jesus. Realized how similar his actions (and depicted appearance) were to that of the Quetzalcoatl. Jesus also taught people to learn to live without the crutch (which contradicted with the first testament that seemed more geared towards a race of slaves).

Bought a lot of games via Steam. Undertale is a true gem, IMHO. Basically, the idea is that there has been a war between monsters and humans. Monsters are creatures without bodies (just souls), who can consume weak souls. Humans often have souls much more powerful than the most powerful monsters. However, afraid of the monsters, humans killed and cast them into the underground. Thanks to the difference in the soul strength, in most of the fights it is possible to learn the mind of the monster and defeat them without even fighting. The game is .. well .. a bit girly, but full of unexpected events and funny, too.

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