
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dream-practice in stick fighting

Some thoughts before falling asleep inspired me to practice stick fighting in a lucid dream. It was a bit difficult to maintain the form of the sticks and myself. The sticks became a bit too .. elastic, and I tilted off while trying to keep my back straight. This I found quite surprising. Obviously, my movements were out of balance, which caused the precession (so that I was looking more and more towards the ceiling). Still quite strange, as I've usually either floated around or walked on the floor.

On the pk forum, limpidprogress shared a documentary on Wim 'Iceman' Hof:

It's the best documentary I've seen of him so far. Started trying his pranayama exercises. I tried something similar a while ago, but for some reason, stopped.

A couple of attempts and I got my breath holding time from less than 1 min up to 2 min. Also, some additional internal heat has come up (some already did just by watching the video :).

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