
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yay, sleep

Practiced some guru yoga again before going to sleep. I think it was a couple of nights ago that I saw the surroundings become brighter and more colorful, as if by focusing on the feeling of a guru, I had surfaced from an ocean. The sight and feeling of the guru became significally more vivid as I rose out of the water.

Nice, I finally had some sleep last night. Though, it was as if I still wasn't too tired.

While driving somwehere, another guy said he sometimes saw a weird fog. Usually with -21*C, the fog would glitter, as it consists of tiny needles of ice. This fog didn't. What made it a bit more peculiar, it would sometimes form a ceiling just above the car, cutting trees. He said it once appeared when he told about it to someone else. It appeared again =).

Today the music radio station became silenced by noise for a few times again. When I commented on it, it happened once more. That's almost semi-on-demand (a controlled attempt, almost) or something.

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