
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, July 8, 2013


Since the last post, I've been cranking up the intensity. Feeling great so far .. better than before, actually. It seems the intense flow of psi greatly helps the metabolism.

As I increased the intensity, I noticed that the frequency of the body also increased. Cranked it all up until the pulsation became so frequent that I could only sense it as a single continuous buzz.

Had a bazillion dreams or something.

Today I decreased the intensity while near other people or animals (dogs started barking).

Felt tired in the evening. Cranked up the intensity again. Thought I should attempt white skeleton meditation again. Started from the toes again, but it didn't feel right (no feedback there). Felt like I should start roughly from that place where I left off the last time. A lot of heat was produced. Realized that the right hand had accidentally gotten into a position, where the index finger touched the back at the spine, exactly at the spot where I had stopped the meditation last time. Somehow the finger focused more energy into that spot, amplifying the heat even further .. with the heat rising into the hands, some of it was fed back through the index finger. The same thing with almost each of the bones in the spine. I guess I found acupuncture or something.

There was a darker spot in the chest somewhere (right to the heart). When I focused on that with all the heat going around, it started spreading pain through the psi channels. The shoulder, right arm was pulsating in this tingling pain. The pain subsided after a few seconds. Started to wonder if there's 2 hearts, only one of which is fully materialized. It would make sense to have symmetry or balance.

I've forgotten to post this, but a few nights ago when I attempted white skeleton meditation again, I noticed the sound of a strange seagull. Well, it sounded strange .. because it almost seemed as if it were yelling "tummo, tummo".

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