
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Neutral presence

Mixed up days and went to school yesterday (a postponed lecture/seminar). While walking there, I kept focus on a neutral sense of presence (without spending psi on thoughts or emotions). There were ups and downs, but for a few minutes, I saw white light shining through objects. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a car driving down the road. Knew it was going to turn towards the road I was about to cross before it even slowed down. The car stopped strangely far from me. Probably the awareness also affected the driver.

Maintained focus on the neutral presence before sleep. Experienced a strong standing wave throughout the body. A constant flow of psi settled down, with a peak in intensity at the 3rd eye.

Occasionally fell asleep, woke up and refocused. Soon the consciousness lifted out of body slightly. The cloud of consciousness was rather hot, almost burning the skin on the face. Eventually the nerves became used to it.

Some time in the morning, I found myself in the body but detached from it. Could see the room clearly, while hearing someone making a ruckus by moving chairs around. Feeling full of psi, for a second, I visualized a being in front of me. It did not manifest.

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