
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

School obscures the mind

Took another part of the body and focused through the bones last night.

Experienced a flash of white light again (suddenly it became as bright as a day around the body). As sort of a self-defensive reflex, mind jolted back, causing the light to disappear again. Oh well.

Had a dream. I wanted to go and visit some place far away. Started walking. Weather was cloudy and moist, passed by some old buildings with roof fallen in. Forest thickened, then cleared out again. Crossed a stream.

Towards my left, there was an artificial bump, on top of which there was a picnic table and a couple of benches. Walked past it and when I looked back at it, instead of a picnic table there was now a Torii (Japanese temple gate) with a shallow waterfall that joined with the stream right where I had crossed it.

I knew I was on the right track but it was just the start .. knew the map by heart. Now I had to cross a river. There was a tiny island with one tree and some grass between the river banks. However, just before I managed to cross the river, the island broke loose and started drifting down the river.

That's it, now I was drifting away from the path that I knew. To make matters worse, the island sped up .. it was already moving so fast that I couldn't just jump off to the riverbank. It was perhaps 30 km/h and accelerating. Took a compass to at least check the direction - compass didn't work. Took a GPS, then - didn't work.

Became nervous and panicked .. got to get back soon, there's a lot of school stuff to do. Here I was in an unknown place, accelerating in an unknown direction without any way back. So I teleported back home.

Home was different than how I remembered it. Everything looked like a mess. Somehow made my way to the bookshelf and started cleaning the room. Uncovered a few yoga books I didn't know I even had in there.

Woke up with only one thing on my mind: "NoOo, it's still 2 hours till the alarm. Why the heck did I cancel a spiritual journey for the sake of some old boring schoolwork?" Sigh. Well, at least I facepalmed against one of the biggest showstoppers in my progress.

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