
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Be ye the master of all that surrounds thee

Father said he's about to learn to use psychokinesis and that earlier he had just been interested in what's possible and how stuff works (which would be useful for his scientific research). I guess it's about time to reformulate my own goals as well, based on advice from Thoth's tablets.

Be ye the master of all that surrounds thee.
Never be mastered by the effects of thy life.

Yesterday when I was about to open a can of tuna fish, the fear of injuring myself with the can cover appeared. It dates some years back when I was tired and in a haste, tore a can of preserved meal open and seriously cut my finger. Even months later when it had seemingly healed, it was painful to move it to the full extent. Needed a lot of healing with psi and intent. I was afraid of opening the can even though it had a sign that it's safe for dolphins .. well, obviously not for humans.

Father came and opened it. He suggested visualizing every action before making it happen. When I did, I found how foolish my fear was. Anyway, should start using this method for everything. He also said he doesn't use it because of any practical reasons .. it just feels good to see everything manifesting the way they were visualized.


  1. The power of visualization; the power of constructs:)



  2. Thanks.

    I had been mostly using that while chopping firewood or opening the fridge door =P.
