
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, February 17, 2012

Another post

Meditated while listening to some heavy music yesterday evening. Used the music to push my motivation, which I thought I was lacking a little. Practiced grounding. Visualized circulating prana / psi from the root chakra to the head, out from the 3rd eye and so on. Then did the same in reverse.

For a couple of times, I happened to feel my astral and physical body as a whole, with psi spreading from the central channel. My astral head kept tilting away / falling out from the physical one. Tried to move it back, but since I had no reference for the direction of straight up, I found it somewhat difficult. Just opened my eyes and snapped back.

A few minutes before the wake-up alarm rang, I managed to fall asleep once more and see an interesting dream. I was at home (the first one, out of .. uhm .. 6 or something). Decided to go for a tour of photographing some weird phenomena like orbs, ghosts or something. Remembered that I hadn't charged the batteries for a long time. Put these recharging. Father entered the room to look at who was there. Told him that I was about to go out for taking some photos, as he usually joins in. *Alarm rings and I poof back*

Later when I checked the psychokinesis forum, it turned out that at night the guys had decided to snap some more photos of the orbs and mist.

About a week ago I found that for me, both tension and cold seemed to cause psi channels to shrink. Warmth , love and compassion on the other hand, seemed to widen the channels and allow for greater intensities of psi inside the body.

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